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Zohreh & Manoochehr, A Musical Comedy Play

Zohreh & Manoochehr, A Musical Comedy Play
Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam , (France)
Shahrokh directs and act in the Canadian premier performance of a musical comedy, "Zohreh & Manoochehr" by renowned Iranian poet, "Iraj Mirza" based on Shakespeare's "Venus & Adonis". The cast includes two legendary figures of Iranian Theater, Sadreddin Zahed, and Azizollah Bahadori. (Language : Persian)
Sat, 07/23/2011 - 14:00
Sun, 07/24/2011 - 17:00
1 Hour
Fleck , Harbourfront Center
Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam
Sadreddin Zahed
Hamid Reza Javdan
"I came to realize the importance of my roots, my heritage, my being Iranian after I left Iran. It happened over the course of my six-year collaboration with Ariane Mnouchkine, who reminded us that every single one of us, coming from all over the world, had something to contribute to the magical world of theater.”
An official member of the “Comédie Fançaise" (The House of Molière), Moshkin Ghalam graduated from the University of Paris with a degree in History of Art and Theatre. He joined Theatre du Soleil in 1991 where he played lead roles in Arianne Mnoushkine’s productions of “Tartuffe," "La ville parjure" and "Les Atrides". He continued working with great directors such as Phillippe adrien (A Streetcar Named Desire), Christophe Rauck (Twelfth Night), and Antoine Campo (La Diva D’Auschwitz) and directed plays by Mirzadeh Ishqi and Iraj Mirza.
In 1997, Shahrokh established the Nakissa Dance Company and created works such as “A Persian Night's Dream,“The Seven Pavilion of Love” (Haft Peykar), “Omar Khayam,” and “Les Danses Mythologiques”. In Tirgan 2011, Shahrokh will direct and act in a musical comedy, “Zohreh & Manoochehr” by Iraj Mirza (in Persian). The cast includes two legendary figures of Iranian Theater, Sadreddin Zahed, and Hamid Reza Javdan.