Kurdish Dance

Kurdish Dance
Folk , (Canada)

Different styles of Kurdish dances such as; Dilan, Chopi, Sepe, Garanava, and Shikhan are presented by Kurdish House Dance Group from Toronto.



Fri, 07/22/2011 - 19:30
Sat, 07/23/2011 - 19:30
30 Min
Redpath Stage , Harbourfront center

Kurdish dances reflect aspects of Kurdish life over the past thousands of years. Rhythmic and elegant movements are called Halparke. The dancers, hand in hand, are depositaries of centuries of revealed culture in Halparke that indicates their unity in history. These movements differ in different parts of Kurdistan reflecting the variety of point of views, and joy and sorrow have their own special place. Kurds sing and dance in all of their festivals, birthdays, and marriage ceremonies. These folkloric dances are one of the main factors which distinguish Kurds from neighbouring Muslim populations.
Kurdish House Dance Group was formed in July 2007 and since then the ensemble has preformed in over a dozen cultural events. Tirgan 2011 hosts performances of a few different styles of Kurdish dance such as; Dilan, Chopi, Sepe, Garanavaand Shikhan.


Ticket Information

Fri, 07/22/2011 - 19:30
Redpath Stage , Harbourfront center
Sat, 07/23/2011 - 19:30
Redpath Stage , Harbourfront center
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